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can pack’s end
罐盖  detail>>
can pack
罐装  detail>>
pack end-tap
伞包端头扣片  detail>>
can bottom end
罐头底盖  detail>>
can end cemont
罐盖封口胶  detail>>
can end flange
罐身翻边  detail>>
can end press
罐盖冲床;冲盖机 罐头封顶压力机  detail>>
can end tool
开罐工具  detail>>
can end-curling machine
(罐盖)圆盖机 圆盖机  detail>>
can-end press
罐盖冲床  detail>>
round can end curler
圆盖压边机  detail>>
friendships remain and never can end
即使海枯石烂 友谊永存  detail>>
in the end, little he can do alone
最后弱小的他只能孤独地离去  detail>>
three piece can with easy open end
易开盖三片罐  detail>>
you can say all things must end
你可以说一切都结束了  detail>>
a pack
一包  detail>>
a pack of
一包  detail>>
无衬垫纸型纸  detail>>